Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Burland Croft

A slice of heaven, that's what the farm known as Burland Croft is. Above is one of the Shetland ponies that calls this croft home. In Shetland a croft is like a farm. So this is a farm. A farm dedicated to preserving Shetland breeds, poultry, and crops. Tommy and Mary Isbister have been on this croft since the 70's and they run as sustainable and organic a place as it can be. They even grow ancient grains and served us some delicious sweets using their grains. Wonderful. Their web page http://www.burlandcrofttrail.co.uk/ Here's a few pics of this spectacular place. Very interesting poultry. Many breeds of sheep. I regret that I didn't have more time to talk to Mary about her breeds of chickens and sheep. There were so many of us for her to talk to. Next time! She did say her wool goes to Jamison&Smith. Look at these barns! Aren't they something else?! A back yard to die for! Some of their work. And me signing off for the evening; dreaming of living in such a lovely place raising sheep. Cheers! Mary


  1. Loving traveling vicariously through your eyes, Mary! I agree, their backyard is quite spectacular! So, will our Selah knitting group have a lace knitting lesson when you both get back???


  2. So glad you are enjoying Liz! I'm thinking of you all as I write. An Deborah, the ducks are for you!

  3. And lace and Fair Isle knitting lessons for all:). Off to the Shetland Museum and a private behind the scenes tour of private fiber collection!!
